Misty valley

I think every artist has a day when they just simply do not feel like painting. This is how I felt on today. I was doing everything else just not creating. I even started to doubt that my skill is good enough. Then I thought this is a wrong attitude. Why do I even think like that? Just sit down, take a brush and see what is going to happen. After very short moment this misty valley started to appear on my canvas and my face has brighten up. I was selecting my favourite colours and strokes were creating just right suggestions. I could not be happier with what I saw. I even managed to mix two styles: this realistic, foggy view of a valley finished of by the contemporary marks on the foreground. I paid more attention to light and the feel of the painting. It did not take long and I put the brush down as I was very happy with the final result. It is a completely different artwork to anything I have created before and that was the result of my doubts and thoughts on the first place. Why? Because I have challenged myself to paint even better art. I have published the photo on social media and the reactions of my followers was jus amazing. Each moment new comment appear how beautiful painting it is that draws you in and has a fabulous depth. I could not ask for more. I felt confident again and I didn't wait long till I got the message saying: "I want to buy it". My heat melt and the painting was sold straight from under the brush. I wish every artist could experience the same.